at REALL -
7 December 1998
- December 1998 Issue
- The December issue of The REALL News is online! Articles include
"Mesmerism Considered," by Randy Alley and "Update: Bennett Braun
Case," by David Bloomberg.
- November 1998 Issue
- The November issue of The REALL News is online! Articles include
"Phrenology Considered," by Randy Alley, "Nickell and the Mystery
Mongerers," by Bob Ladendorf, "'Thinking Skeptically' at the PACC
Conference," by David Bloomberg, and "Update: Bennett Braun Case," by David
- September 1998 Issue
- The September issue of The REALL News is finally online! The feature article is
"Greta Alexander's Legacy: An Objective Look at Her Claims," by David Bloomberg.
25 August 1998
- New Feature: Letters from REALL
- There's a new feature on the web site. Periodically REALL's chairman writes letters to
newspapers, magazines, and others about topics they have recently covered. Some recent
letters are now available online!
8 August 1998
- August 1998 Issue
- The August issue of The REALL News is online! The feature articles are
"Bullets into Water: The Sorcerers of Africa," by Richard Petraitis, and
"The Tarot Scam -or- Cold (Frosty) Readings," by Derek Rompot.
9 July 1998
- June/July 1998 Issue
- The June/July issue of The REALL News is (already) online! The feature articles
are "A Visit to the Institute for Creation Research, Part Two," by Karen
Bartelt, and "The Eyes Still Speak," by Martin Kottmeyer.
1 July 1998
- April/May 1998 Issue
- The April/May issue of The REALL News is (finally) online! The feature articles
are "A Visit to the Institute for Creation Research, Part One," by Karen
Bartelt, and "Lastly, What Roswell Proved," by Martin Kottmeyer.
30 June 1998
- March 1998 Issue
- The March issue of The REALL News is (at long last) online! The feature article
is "The Illinois UFO Mania of 1897", by Robert Bartholomew.
9 March 1998
- February 1998 Issue
- The February issue of The REALL News is now online! The feature articles
include "A Plastic Phenomenon," by Martin Kottmeyer and "REALLity Checklist
-- 1997 in Review," by David Bloomberg.
7 February 1998
- January 1998 Issue
- The January issue of The REALL News is now online! The feature article is
"Confessions of a Tarot Card Reader," a book excerpt by Lindsay E. Smith and
Bruce Walstad.
3 February 1998
- More Room!
- We ran out of disk space near the end of 1997, which is why you haven't seen any updates
for awhile. We have taken care of that problem now, so you can expect to see
additional updates very soon!
- November 1997 Issue
- The November issue of The REALL News is now online! Feature articles include
"Homeopathy - The Ultimate Fake," by Stephen Barrett, M.D. and "REALLity
Check Special Report - Acupuncture," by David Bloomberg.
- December 1997 Issue
- The December issue of The REALL News is now online! Feature articles include
"Sincerity: An Overrated Virtue," by Lewis Jones, Scott Adams Responds to
"Cartoon Metaphysics", and "New Center for Inquiry in Kansas City Hosts
Regional Conference," by Bob Ladendorf
- What's New at REALL - 1997
- The "What's New" entries for 1997 are archived on this page.