Greta Alexander's Legacy:
An Objective Look at Her Claims
by David Bloomberg
On July 17, Central Illinois lost a well-known citizen. "Psychic" (or, as she
more recently preferred to be called, "parapsychologist") Greta Alexander died
at the age of 66. Alexander was well known as a result of countless articles, radio shows,
and TV appearances regarding her supposed psychic abilities. Indeed, the article
discussing her death in the State Journal-Register appears to have been written by
a true believer (working for the Peoria Journal Star) who stated her claims as if
they were fact. (See our Web site to read a letter from me to the article's author.)
But did she really have the abilities ascribed to her? Were her predictions "100
percent accurate," as claimed by an assistant fire chief in Iowa who had used her
services? What does an objective study of the facts show? More |