Phrenology Considered
by Randy Alley
During the first half of the 19th century, phrenology was a revolutionary
"science" with thousands of converts. Phrenology promised to take mankind to the
next level of human development. Using its principles and practices, people would be able
to achieve all of their desires regardless of their abilities.
Phrenology is a system that analyzes character by the size and shape of protuberances
on the skull and uses this information to make adjustments. The principle behind
phrenology was simple. The brain was said to be made up of organs that pressed upon the
skull. The skulls size and shape could be measured to determine the size of these
organs. The qualities of the organs could then be looked up on the phrenological chart,
which would also list exercises to improve the organs function. With proper
attention, improvement would occur and the persons life and place in society
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