25 November 1996
- September 1996 Issue Online
- The September issue of The REALL News is
now online. The feature article is "The Exeter File - Part 1" by Martin
- October 1996 Issue Online
- The October issue of The REALL News is now
online. The feature articles are "The Exeter File - Part 2" and
"Crash-Retrieval at Gatchellville," both by Martin Kottmeyer.
18 November 1996
- Added URL-Minder Service
- Netmind offers a free service that will automatically notify you on a weekly basis
whenever a particular web page changes. By entering your e-mail address and clicking the
"Register" button on the "What's New" page, you will receive e-mail
whenever this page changes.
16 November 1996
- March/April 1996 Issue Online
- The March/April issue of The REALL News is
now online. (Incidentally, of all of the articles that have appeared in The REALL News
over the last four years, this one contains what is probably my favorite -- "What's
Smoo?", by Martin Kottmeyer. It's unfortunate that I don't have a scanner, because
the drawing and photograph that accompany this article in the print version illustrate his
point quite well. Perhaps after Christmas.... -- W.H.)
- Links Page Updated
- I added several not-so-skeptical sites to the links page.
11 November 1996
- May/June 1996 Issue Online
- The May/June issue of The REALL News is
now online.
- National Center for Science Education (NCSE)
- Added a link to the NCSE from the links page.
6 October 1996
- July 1996 Issue Online
- The July 1996 issue of The REALL News is
now online.
2 October 1996
- August 1996 Issue Online
- Breaking a long dry spell, the August 1996 issue of
The REALL News is now online. This issue is broken up into individual articles
for easier online reading and searching. Additional back issues will follow soon!
1 October 1996
- Moved to New Site!
- REALL now has its own site, www.reall.org! (If you've found this, you already know that,
naturally.) I've been working on doing some significant redesigning of the site. A hard
drive crash slowed things down a bit, but things should be back on track now.
- Online Searching
- One immediate benefit of the new site is that we now have online searching available.
Type in a few words describing the topic you're researching and you'll get back a list of
documents that have information about that.
- Newsletter Changes Coming Soon
- You will soon see some improvements in the way our newsletter is presented online.
Currently, each newsletter is presented as a single file. While that makes it easy for
printing, it's not the best way to present information online. For one thing, it makes the
online search capability less useful, because a search for "alien abduction"
will match whole issues, rather than individual articles. Look for newsletters to be
broken down by article in the near future. (Plus, of course, all of those missing back
issues from 1996 will be going online at long last!) Stay tuned!
12 February 1996
- Converted September and October 1994 Issues
- The September and October
1994 issues of The REALL News have been converted.
11 February 1996
- HTML-ified November 1994 Issue
- The November 1994 issue of The REALL News
has been HTML-ified. Only 21 more issues to convert....
10 February 1996
- Updated Author and Subject Indexes
- The Author and Subject indexes have been updated. The index all
issues of The REALL News, making it easier to find what you're looking for.
- November and December 1995 Issues Available
- The November and December
1995 issues of The REALL News are now online, in HTML form. Read them in good
9 February 1996
- October 1995 Issue Available
- The October 1995 issue of The REALL News is
now online, HTML-ified and good to go. With luck I'll get caught up to the current issue
this weekend.
13 January 1996
- HTML-ified December 1994 Issue
- The December 1994 issue of The REALL News
has been HTML-ified and sanitized for your safety. Happy browsing!
12 January 1996
- HTML-ified January 1995 Issue
- I've converted the January 1995 issue of The
REALL News to HTML format. That means that all issues from January through September
1995 have been converted to HTML. (I expect to get the October 1995 through January 1996
issues next week. Sorry for the delay.) Issues from before January 1995 are still
more-or-less straight text. I'll work on converting the rest ASAP.
10 January 1996
- HTML-ified February and May 1995 Issues
- I've converted the February and May 1995 issues of The REALL News to HTML format.
Go nuts.
9 January 1996
- Created "What's New" Page
- Our site has been online since August, so perhaps it's time we created a "What's
New" page, eh? I'll try to keep this updated with information about changes to these
pages, as well as any REALL-related news that's worth passing along.
- Newsletter Updates
- I've put three more issues of The REALL News online. They are the March, April, and September 1995 issues. All have been HTML-ified to make
them a bit prettier. I'm slowing working on converting the other simple text issues to a
nicer HTML format. I'll post information here as I get them converted. Stay tuned.