The REALL News

Author Index

Armstrong, Professor Joseph
"Presentation on Satanism and the Occult at ISU" 3:3.
Auerbach, Roy
"The Five 'Laws' of Quack Science" 1:11.
Bartelt, Professor Karen
"On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3.
Bloomberg, David
"REALLity Check" 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 3:2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1; "Origins of REALL" 1:1; "The Frustrations of Skepticism" 1:3; "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Predicting the Lottery" 1:8; "REALL at the ISTA Convention" 1:10; "Electronic Skepticism" 1:10, "Pseudo-Science Terminology" 1:11; "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "Child Abuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2; "Close Encounters of the FOX Kind" 2:3; "Book Capsules -- Flim Flam, The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal" 2:4; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8; "The Biggest UFO Conspiracy" 2:9; "The New Fall Season" 2:10; "REALLity Checklist -- 1994 in Review" 3:2; "Don't Push Me, Lady!" 3:3; "Legends in Their Own Time" 3:4; "The Foxes of Skepticism" 3:7; "ISTA 1995" 3:10.
Egger, Professor Steve
"Psychics and Law Enforcement" 1:7.
Gorski, Tim, M.D.
"Healthy Skepticism: Antioxidant 'Nutritional Supplements'" 3:2.
Hartshorn, Wally
"So Now You're a Skeptic" 1:1.
Hyman, Professor Ray
"Proper Criticism" 1:2.
Kottmeyer, Martin
"Pencil-Neck Aliens" 1:1; "The Saucer Error" 1:4; "The Alien 'Booger' Menace" 1:6; "No-Back Back Page" 1:6; "The Omega Projection" 1:9; "Alien Suckers" 2:2; "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5; "Probe D'roid" 2:6; "The Eyes that Spoke" 2:7; "The Panicky Guy" 2:9; "Water E.B.E.s" 3:2; "The Curse of the Space Mummies" 3:5; "We've All Studied Lifton" 3:7; "Echoing Arnold" 3:8; "Skybald" 3:11.
Ladendorf, Bob
"Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "Book Capsule -- The Faith Healers" 1:4; "A Night of Magic and Skepticism with Randi" 2:5; "A Look into the Sun -- and Other Tabloids" Part 1, 2:11, Part 2, 2:12, Part 3, 3:1; "Supermarket Tabloids: The Persistence of (Alleged) Vision" 3:1.
McGrath, Robert E.
"Vampires -- Myth and Reality" 1:5; "Who is Susan Blackmore?" 1:9; "Ray Hyman -- 'The Very Model of the Modern Major Skeptic'" 2:2; "A Matter of Life and Near-Death" 2:6.
Madigan, Tim
"Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" 2:8.
Mendum, Mary Lou
"10 Tips for Successful Letter Writing" 1:7.
Peterson, Stephen
"Covering Science: Why the Media So Seldom Get It Right" 3:9.
Randi, James
"A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8.
Scott, Dr. Eugenie
"But the Bad News Is..." 1:1.
Smet, Bob
"The Cold Truth about Psychics" 3:6.
Smith, Wesley R., Ph.D.
"The Sociocultural Genesis of the Flying Saucer (Swedenborg Hybrid Ornithopter of 1714)" 3:6.
Till, Farrell
"Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8.
Traxler, Ranse
"The Misconceptions of Evolution" 1:3; "Conversation with a Creationist" 1:5.
Voelkering, Joe
"What It Means to be a Rational Skeptic" 2:10.
Walstad, Detective Bruce
"Paranormal Fraud Exposed" 1:1; "A Brief Meeting with Jackie Mari, Psychic" 1:4; "Lights, Camera, Action -- A Tale of Two TV Shows" 1:4; "Another Psychic Encounter" 2:3; "Police Use of Psychics, Results of a 1993 Questionnaire" 2:4; "Fortune-Telling Swindles-- Those Unreported Crimes" 3:2.

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