The Shaman Question: Revisited
by Richard Petraitis
conducting research on the Taino Indians, I uncovered an intriguing record
of shamanic deception, as chronicled by the Spanish conquistadors.
According to the account, a Taino cacique (chief) convinced his subjects
he had magical abilities because a zemi (the carved idol of a forest
spirit guardian) located inside the chief’s home had the supernatural
power to speak. More
Bennett Braun Case Settled
by David Bloomberg
The Illinois Department of Professional
Regulation’s case against Bennett Braun for his treatment of the Burgus
family has been settled prior to the scheduled November hearings.
As discussed in previous issues, the Illinois Department of Professional
Regulation (IDPR) filed a complaint against psychiatrist Bennett Braun, a
leader in the repressed memory movement, and two of his colleagues. One of
those colleagues, Elva Poznanski, had settled her case a few months ago. More |