A Central Illinois Scientist Responds to the Black Box
by Karen Bartelt
Michael Behe, author of Darwin's Black Box, appeared recently (October
5-6) at Lincoln Christian Seminary in Lincoln, IL. Briefly, Darwin's
Black Box proposes that certain cellular structures are "irreducibly
complex" - that all parts must be functional for the structure
to work, and Behe asserts that gradual Darwinian evolution does a poor
job of explaining these features, therefore, there must be an "intelligent
Prior to his appearance, Behe was the subject of a large article by
the Michael Miller, religion editor of the Peoria Journal Star. Piqued
by what Behe might have to say to a receptive-but-nonscientific audience,
I attended two of the three lectures. What follows are my responses
- as a scientist - to Behe's lectures at the seminary and his October
3 interview in the Peoria Journal Star. More