Bob Ladendorf
This issue features an excellent retort by our chairman, David Bloomberg, to the assertions of a creationist in a letter to the editor to Springfield's daily newspaper. David's article also should serve as a wake-up call to our readers about the need to respond to unfounded assertions in any letter to the editor of any publication. If you do not feel comfortable or informed enough about particular assertions in letters or articles you find, please forward them on to us at REALL, and we'll certainly formulate a response or forward them on to other scientific experts.
This month's issue also includes a couple new features that we hope will become regular ones. "In Case You Missed It ..." highlights an article, book, or show of interest to our readers, includes a brief summary, and rates them as to how skeptical they are about the pseudoscientific or paranormal subjects covered. "Ongoing ... and Upcoming" features announcements or schedules of important activities. We hope you enjoy them.
We at REALL look forward to seeing you at our December 15th meeting at Shakey's for open general discussion of scientific and pseudoscientific (and paranormal) matters. We also want to look forward into the new year and discuss suggestions to improve our organizational activities.
Happy Holidays!
/s/ Bob Ladendorf