Bob Ladendorf
We look forward to the challenges of our 4th year, fighting irrationality and enhancing your understanding of the issues in science and non-science or nonsense, to borrow a phrase from our February speaker, Prof Charles Schweighauser, whose talk is featured here.This issue also features Chairman Bloombergs annual awards for the best and worst media stories and other matters of skeptical and non-skeptical thinking. He also has an extensive media monitor article ("REALLity Check"), while founding REALL member Wally Hartshorn covers the weird (and best) Web sites in pseudoscience and science.
Upcoming this year are the following:
Additional speakers and a new look for The REALL News.
Carl Sagans new book on science and non-science, The Demon-Haunted World, which will receive multiple reviews here. (I just received my copy as this newsletter was being completed.)
First World Skeptics Congress, sponsored by CSICOP on its 20th anniversary, in Buffalo, New York, from June 20 -23. It features Stephen Jay Gould, Leon Lederman, James Randi, Ray Hyman, Joe Nickell, John Paulos, Eugenie C. Scott, and many others. Im planning to go, so I will report back to you on this special conference. For more information, call (716) 636-1425, or to register, call (800) 634-1610.