David Bloomberg
Another hectic month here at REALL headquarters (okay, we don't really have a "headquarters," but my computer room at home sure feels that way sometimes). Depending on how our timing goes, you may still have a chance to volunteer to help out at the Illinois Science Teachers Association conference (the one I've mentioned in every newsletter for the past two or three months) on September 29 and 30. Call me if you're interested!
Also on the calendar -- we have a meeting on Monday, Oct. 2, at the Lincoln Library (normally, as you probably know, our meetings are on the first Tuesday, but we had to change this one due to scheduling conflicts). This meeting will feature a video about the Alpha Project, probably the best "sting" operation ever performed by skeptics. Since the "stinger" is a magician, it will also feature some magic and should be quite enjoyable.
If anybody is interested, I received a flyer announcing the Illinois FMS (False Memory Syndrome) Society's Fall Conference on October 7 in Des Plaines (a Chicago suburb). I was originally planning to attend, but have too many other conflicts that weekend. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Richard Ofshe, nationally known author of Making Monsters. Other speakers will be Mark Pendergrast, author of Victims of Memory; Eleanor Goldstein, author of Confabulations and True Stories of False Memories; the Barrs (Roseanne's parents); a recanter; a local therapist; and a volunteer representative from the FMS Foundation. The cost is $25 per person or $40 per couple, and includes a box lunch. For more information, call 708-980-7693 or 708-827-1056.
That's all for now -- see you at the meeting!
/s/ David Bloomberg