-- Bob Ladendorf
I think it was Shakespeare who once wrote in "The Tempest" that "Hell is open, and all the devils are here." In light of the gassing attacks in Japan and the murder of more than a hundred people, including children, in the Oklahoma City bombing, that certainly would seem to be the case. Irrational, inhumane actions by a few individuals crazed for whatever cause they espouse certainly endanger the practice of everyday living for the rest of us.
Our hearts go out to the survivors and to the families of those killed or injured. Their intense sufferings make our outrages over irrational thinking in the areas of the paranormal and pseudo-scientific phenomena much less important. Then again, a bit more rational thinking and empathy for human beings among those guilty of these heinous crimes may have prevented them from carrying out those actions. Whatever the case, we should continue to work on a day-to-day basis to encourage more critical thinking in all areas of human endeavors.
In this issue, David Bloomberg deals with urban matters on a less deadly scale -- urban legends. I hope you enjoy his book review and the other information we have for you.
As a reminder, if you have any further comments or suggestions, please send them to me at REALL's address listed elsewhere in this issue, or send us e-mail at the following addresses:
Bob Ladendorf: editor@reall.org
David Bloomberg: chairman@reall.org
/s/ Bob Ladendorf