48 Hours -- "R.C." 2:5. 60 Minutes -- "R.C." 2:5. AARP Bulletin -- "R.C." 1:4. Abduction -- "R.C." 2:6; "Probe D'roid" 2:6. Alchemy -- "R.C." 1:5, 2:1. Alexander, Greta -- "R.C." 2:10, 11. Alien Abductions -- "Pencil-Neck Aliens" 1:1; "R.C." 1:4, 5, 2:1, 5, 6; "The Alien 'Booger' Menace" 1:6; "No-Back Back Page" 1:6; "The Omega Projection" 1:9; "Alien Suckers" 2:2; "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5; "Probe D'roid" 2:6; "The Eyes That Spoke" 2:7. Alternative Medicine -- "R.C." 1:1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2:1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11; "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8, "The New Fall Season" 2:10. Acupuncture -- "R.C." 2:7. Ayurvedic -- "R.C." 2:3. For animals -- "R.C." 2:1; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8. Homeopathy -- "R.C." 1:1; "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8. Office of -- "R.C." 2:11. Naprapathy -- "R.C." 1:2. Vitamins -- "R.C." 1:6, 2:5, 2:10. Ancient Secrets of the Bible, Part II -- "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Andrus, Walt -- "R.C." 2:5. Arnold, Roseanne -- "R.C." 2:5. Astrology -- "R.C." 1:5. Ball Lightning -- "R.C." 1:6. Balsiger, David -- "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8; "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1. Barber, Paul -- "Vampires -- Myth and Reality" 1:5. Bernardin, Cardinal Joseph -- "R.C." 1:11, 2:2, 3. Blackmore, Susan -- "Who is Susan Blackmore?" 1:9; "A Matter of Life and Near-Death" 2:6. Boston Globe -- "R.C." 2:5. Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) or Bovine Somatotropin (BST) -- "R.C." 2:9. Boylan, Richard -- "R.C." 2:11. Braun, Dr. Bennett -- "R.C." 2:12. CBS -- "R.C." 1:2, 6, 2:5; "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Chicago Sun-Times -- "R.C." 2:7. Chicago Tribune -- "R.C." 1:1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Clinton, President Bill -- "R.C." 2:2. Cold Fusion -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. Computer bulletin board service (BBS) -- "Electronic Skepticism" 1:10. Conspiracies -- "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "The Biggest UFO Conspiracy" 2:9. The Courage to Heal -- "Child Abuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1. Creationism (Creation/Evolution) -- "But the Bad News Is..." 1:1; "The Misconceptions of Evolution" 1:3; "R.C." 1:4, 7, 8, 11; "Conversation with a Creationist" 1:5; "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "REALL at the ISTA Convention" 1:10; "Pseudo-Science Terminology" 1:11; "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3, "The New Fall Season" 2:10. Crop circles -- "R.C." 1:1. Crosses, bleeding (see also: Icons, crying) -- "R.C." 1:4. Cryptozoology -- Letter to the Editor, 2:5 Cults -- "R.C." 1:11. Curran, Rep. Michael -- "R.C." 2:2, 9. Dark Suckers -- "The Theory of Dark Suckers" 1:6. Dateline NBC -- "R.C." 1:1, 11, 2:6, 12; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8. Discover magazine -- "R.C." 1:6. Dying to Live: Near-Death Experiences -- "A Matter of Life and Near-Death" 2:6. E-rays (Erdestrahlen rays) -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. Encounters -- "Close Encounters of the FOX Kind" 2:3; "The New Fall Season" 2:10; "R.C." 2:11. End of the world -- "The Omega Projection" 1:9. Evolution -- See Creationism (Creation/Evolution) Exorcism -- "R.C." 1:11, 2:9, 2:10. Extrasensory Perception (ESP) -- "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1. Eye to Eye with Connie Chung -- "R.C." 2:5. Facilitated communication -- "R.C." 1:10. The Faith Healers -- "Book Capsule -- The Faith Healers" 1:4. Faith Healing -- "Book Capsule -- The Faith Healers" 1:4; "R.C." 2:2, 12. False Memory Syndrome (FMS) -- "R.C." 1:7, 8, 10, 11, 2:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12; "Child Abuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2; Letter to the Editor, 2:9. FMS Foundation -- "R.C." 1:7, 8; Letter to the Editor, 2:9. FMS-related lawsuit -- "R.C." 2:6. Fire in the Sky -- See Walton, Travis. Flim-Flam -- "Book Capsules -- Flim-Flam" 2:4. Frontline -- "R.C." 1:7,10. Ghosts -- "Paranormal Fraud Exposed" 1:1. Greer, Dr. Steven -- "R.C." 2:5. Gypsy Fortune Tellers -- "Lights, Camera, Action -- A Tale of Two TV Shows" 1:4; "R.C." 1:8, 2:12. Handwriting, analysis of -- "R.C." 2:2, 7. Harkin, Senator Tom -- "R.C." 2:11 Hovind, Kent -- "R.C." 1:7; "On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3. The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal - - "Book Capsules -- The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal" 2:4. Hyman, Ray -- "Ray Hyman: 'The Very Model of the Modern Major Skeptic'" 2:2. Icons, crying (see also: crosses, bleeding) -- "R.C." 2:6. Illinois Science Teachers Association (ISTA) -- "REALL at the ISTA Convention" 1:10. Illinois Times -- "R.C." 1:11, 2:6, 7, 9; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Institute for Creation Research (ICR) -- "But the Bad News Is..." 1:1, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1. International Society of Cryptozoology -- Letter to the Editor, 2:5. Island Skywatch -- See Knell, Bill. Jackson, La Toya -- "R.C." 2:5. Jacobs, David -- "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5. Jammal, George -- "R.C." 1:6; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Knell, Bill -- "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3. Kroth, Jerry -- "The Panicky Guy" 2:9. Landers, Ann -- "R.C." 1:6, 2:2; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Larue, Gerald -- "R.C." 1:6; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; Loch Ness Monster -- "R.C." 2:2, 4. Mack, John -- "R.C." 2:5, 6; "Probe D'roid" 2:6. Mars, "face" on -- "R.C." 1:10. Member Survey -- 1:10; "REALL Survey Results" 2:2. Mesmerism -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. N-rays -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. Near-Death Experiences (NDE) -- "A Matter of Life and Near- Death" 2:6. New York Times -- "R.C." 2:5. Newsweek -- "R.C." 1:6, 2:1, 3. Nickell, Joe -- "R.C. 2:11. Noah's Ark -- "R.C." 1:2, 6; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3. Nova -- "R.C." 1:10. The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at Large -- "The Omega Projection" 1:9. Omens and Oracles: Collective Psychology in the Nuclear Age -- "The Panicky Guy" 2:9. Out of Body Experiences (OBE) -- "Who is Susan Blackmore?" 1:9; "A Matter of Life and Near-Death" 2:6. Parade -- "R.C." 1:4, 2:2, 2:12. PBS -- "R.C." 1:10. Peoria Journal Star -- "R.C." 1:7. Perpetual motion -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. Presley, Elvis -- "R.C." 1:7. Primetime Live -- "R.C." 1:4. Psychics -- "R.C." 1:1, 2, 2:3, 2:10; "The Frustrations of Skepticism" 1:3; "Lights, Camera, Action -- A Tale of Two TV Shows" 1:4; "Predicting the Lottery" 1:8; "Another Psychic Encounter" 2:3. Psychic Detectives -- "R.C." 1:1; "A Brief Meeting with Jackie Mari, Psychic" 1:4; "Psychics and Law Enforcement" 1:7; "Police Use of Psychics, Results of a 1993 Questionnaire" 2:4. Psychic Hotlines -- "R.C." 1:4. Russian Psychics -- "R.C." 1:10. Psychology Today -- "R.C." 2:5. Randi, James "The Amazing" -- "Book Capsule -- The Faith Healers" 1:4; "R.C." 1:10; "Book Capsules -- Flim-Flam" 2:4; "A Night of Magic and Skepticism with Randi" 2:5. Remembering Satan: A Case of Recovered Memory and the Shattering of an American Family -- "R.C." 2:5. Ring, Kenneth -- "The Omega Projection" 1:9. Roswell, N.M. -- "The Biggest UFO Conspiracy" 2:9. Rothman, Milton A. -- "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1. Sagan, Carl -- "R.C." 1:4, 2:5, 2:12. Satanic Ritual Abuse -- "R.C." 2:9. Schanzle-Haskins, Ellen -- "R.C." 2:10, 11. Science journal -- "R.C." 1:10, 2:1. The Science Gap: Dispelling the Myths and Understanding the Reality of Science -- "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1. Science News -- "R.C." 1:10. Scooby Doo -- "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" 2:8. Secret Life -- "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5. Sightings -- "R.C." 1:5, 2:11; "The New Fall Season" 2:10. Skepticism, general: "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1; "So Now You're a Skeptic" 1:1; "Proper Criticism" 1:2; "The Frustrations of Skepticism" 1:3; "10 Tips for Successful Letter Writing" 1:7; "The Five 'Laws' of Quack Science" 1:11; "Pseudo-Science Terminology" 1:11; "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" 2:8, "What It Means to be a Rational Skeptic" 2:10. State Journal-Register -- "R.C." 1:1, 4, 7, 8, 2:4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; "Child Abuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1. Sun International Pictures, Inc. -- "R.C." 1:2, 6, 2:5; "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8, "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2. Tabloids -- "A Look into the Sun -- and Other Tabloids" Part 1, 2:11, Part 2, 2:12. Talk shows -- "R.C." 2:7, 11, "The New Fall Season" 2:10. Taos hum -- "R.C." 2:1. Till, Farrell -- "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3. Time Magazine -- "R.C." 1:6, 2:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8. Today show -- "R.C." 2:5. Total Recall -- "Probe D'roid" 2:6. Traxler, Ranse -- "But the Bad News Is..." 1:1; "Conversation with a Creationist" 1:5; "REALL at the ISTA Convention" 1:10. US News & World Report -- "R.C." 1:4. UFOs -- "Pencil-Neck Aliens" 1:1; "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1; "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "The Saucer Error" 1:4; "R.C." 1:4, 6, 2:1, 5; "The Alien 'Booger' Menace" 1:6; "The Omega Projection" 1:9; "Alien Suckers" 2:2; "Close Encounters of the FOX Kind" 2:3; "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5, "The Eyes that Spoke" 2:7; "The Panicky Guy" 2:9; "The Biggest UFO Conspiracy" 2:9. USA Today -- "R.C." 2:1. Vampires -- "Vampires -- Myth and Reality" 1:5. Vampires Burial and Death: Folklore and Reality -- "Vampires -- Myth and Reality" 1:5. Virgin Mary -- "R.C." 2:2, 11. Vista, CA -- "R.C." 1:8. Walstad, Bruce -- "R.C." 1:2, 8. Walton, Travis -- "R.C." 1:4. War of the Worlds -- "The Panicky Guy" 2:9. Witches -- "R.C." 1:8, 2:9. Wright, Lawrence -- "R.C." 2:5. The X-Files -- "R.C." 1:8. Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh -- "R.C." 1:1, 2:3.
Note: R.C. = REALLity Check
Auerbach, Roy -- "The Five 'Laws' of Quack Science" 1:11. Bartelt, Professor Karen -- "On the Till-Hovind Debate" 2:3. Bloomberg, David -- "REALLity Check" 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12; "Myths and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1; "Origins of REALL" 1:1; "The Frustrations of Skepticism" 1:3; "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "Logic Abuse and CBS" 1:5; "Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures" 1:8; "Predicting the Lottery" 1:8; "REALL at the ISTA Convention" 1:10; "Electronic Skepticism" 1:10, "Pseudo- Science Terminology" 1:11; "Noah's Ark Hoax Update" 2:1; "Child Abuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1; "REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Review" 2:2; "Close Encounters of the FOX Kind" 2:3; "Book Capsules -- Flim Flam, The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal" 2:4; "Alternative Medicine: Entertainment vs. News at NBC" 2:8; "The Biggest UFO Conspiracy" 2:9; "The New Fall Season" 2:10. Egger, Professor Steve -- "Psychics and Law Enforcement" 1:7. Hartshorn, Wally -- "So Now You're a Skeptic" 1:1. Hyman, Professor Ray -- "Proper Criticism" 1:2. Kottmeyer, Martin -- "Pencil-Neck Aliens" 1:1; "The Saucer Error" 1:4; "The Alien 'Booger' Menace" 1:6; "No-Back Back Page" 1:6; "The Omega Projection" 1:9; "Alien Suckers" 2:2; "Spawn of Inseminoid" 2:5; "Probe D'roid" 2:6; "The Eyes that Spoke" 2:7; "The Panicky Guy" 2:9. Ladendorf, Bob -- "Saucers for Sale: An Evening with a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "Book Capsule -- The Faith Healers" 1:4; "A Night of Magic and Skepticism with Randi" 2:5; "A Look into the Sun -- and Other Tabloids" Part 1, 2:11, Part 2, 2:12. McGrath, Robert E. -- "Vampires -- Myth and Reality" 1:5; "Who is Susan Blackmore?" 1:9; "Ray Hyman -- 'The Very Model of the Modern Major Skeptic'" 2:2; "A Matter of Life and Near-Death" 2:6. Madigan, Tim -- "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" 2:8. Mendum, Mary Lou -- "10 Tips for Successful Letter Writing" 1:7. Randi, James -- "A Challenge to Federal & State Agencies" 2:8. Scott, Dr. Eugenie -- "But the Bad News Is..." 1:1. Till, Farrell -- "Farrell Till's Letter to CBS" 1:8. Traxler, Ranse -- "The Misconceptions of Evolution" 1:3; "Conversation with a Creationist" 1:5. Voelkering, Joe -- "What It Means to be a Rational Skeptic" 2:10. Walstad, Detective Bruce -- "Paranormal Fraud Exposed" 1:1; "A Brief Meeting with Jackie Mari, Psychic" 1:4; "Lights, Camera, Action -- A Tale of Two TV Shows" 1:4; "Another Psychic Encounter" 2:3; "Police Use of Psychics, Results of a 1993 Questionnaire" 2:4.