REALL Student Essay Contest
October 1999
To encourage critical thinking in young people today, and in light of
many credulous media presentations of claims of psychic powers, alien
abductions, hauntings, and other paranormal phenomena, we are conducting
an essay contest for area high-school students.
The winning entrant will be awarded a $250 cash prize for a 1,500 to
3,000 word essay in one of the following areas:
- An evaluation of a paranormal belief in an event or phenomenon that
apparently doesn't follow the laws of nature as we presently
understand them, and is not demonstrable under controlled laboratory
conditions. Some examples include ESP, ghosts, astrology, levitation,
and psychic predictions.
- An evaluation of a controversial or pseudoscientific claim, such as
cold fusion, facilitated communication, subliminal advertising,
homeopathy, therapeutic touch, psychic healing or repressed memories.
- An experiment to test a paranormal or pseudoscientific claim, such
as those mentioned above. These lists are not all-inclusive.
Matters of faith or religion, not claimed to be upheld by scientific
evidence, are excluded.
REALL's annual essay contest is open to high school students in Central
Illinois. Contestants have until December 31, 1999, to fill out and submit
the information on the registration form found in the enclosed
Instructions and Contest Rules. Registration is mandatory in order to
participate and may be accomplished by U.S. Mail or e-mail to our address
or web site listed below.
Essays should be submitted and post-marked by March 31, 2000 to the
address below.
Feel free to encourage all of your students to pick a suitable topic
and enter. In the interest of fairness, all deadlines will be strictly
enforced. The winner will be announced by May 2, 2000.
For more information and full rules, visit our web site,
REALL Student Essay Contest
P.O. Box 20302
Springfield, IL 62708